
About us

Do you want to know who works for you? Let us introduce ourselves!

Dronesperhour stands for solutions. Since our foundation in 2016, we have learned and developed a lot. Always guided by innovation and customer orientation instead of problems. This is how we operate throughout Europe with maximum flexibility and commitment, always determined to find individual solutions for our customers.
As our founder says: just like a speedboat.


Year of Founding
Drone Services – DPH

Drone school
Started as Germany-wide testing centre – since January 2021 Europe-wide

Start of App Development
Autonomous flights on individual routes

Drone component development projects
Individually designed pumps for taking water & air samples, floating device for DJI M200 and 5G modules for DJI M300

Start development of lightweight drone

Release Android version 1.5 (135) & and update to iOS version 2.9
App now features project folders for cloud-based mission management.

Our Mission

In den letzten acht Jahren haben wir eine unvergleichliche Expertise aufgebaut, die es uns ermöglicht unseren Kunden eine breite Palette an Lösungen anzubieten. Von ‘Drones as a Service’ zu Hard- und Software bis hin zu Theorie- und Praxisschulung. Wir denken nicht in Problemen, sondern in Lösungen. Daher unser Motto “Solutions Not Problems”.


Jasper van Heyden
Gründer, Pilot

Jan Meyer
IT, App Entwickler

Alexej Schumilov
Drohnenentwickler, Pilot

Georg Wirth
App Entwickler, Pilot, Designer

Jeanett Rehberg

Elena Ptashynskaja
Web- und 3D Design

Christian Schäfer
Dozent, Pilot

Georg Wirth
App Entwickler, Pilot, Designer